Press Windows + S to launch the search bar of your start menu and type “ Trusteer”.We can change the policy or disable Trusteer Rapport and check if Edge works as expected. Its “Early Browser Protection” policy somehow conflicts with Edge and doesn’t allow it to start. It seems that after the Windows update, Trusteer Rapport started conflicting with Microsoft Edge. It immediately alerts suspicious activities and always makes sure that the website is safe before you enter your credentials. It has intensive anti-phishing methods implemented and it protects users from almost all kinds of attacks. Trusteer Rapport is a security software designed to protect confidential data from malware and phishing. Search through your installed programs and determine which application is causing your problems. If it does, it means there was an external program that was causing the problem. Now restart your computer and check if Edge launches successfully.Select each service one by one and click “ Disable” at the bottom right side of the window.You will be redirected to the task manager where all the applications/services which run when your computer starts will be listed. Now navigate to the Startup tab and click the option of “ Open Task Manager”.All the third-party services will now be disabled. Now click the “ Disable all” button present at the near bottom at the left side of the window.Once you click this, all Microsoft related services will be disabled leaving behind all the third-party services. Check the line which says “ Hide all Microsoft services”. Navigate to the Services tab present at the top of the screen.Type “ msconfig” in the dialogue box and press Enter. Press Windows + R to launch the Run application.Only the essential ones are enabled while all the other services are disabled. This boot allows your PC to turn on with a minimal set of drivers and programs. If it doesn’t bring any improvement, we can try Clean Booting. If it is the first time you are having a problem with Microsoft Edge, it is recommended to restart your computer. Note: Edge crashing after the Fall Creators Update (1709) is addressed at the end of the article. Start the solutions from the top and work your way down. There can be many reasons for this issue. Recently, after updating the Windows 10 operating system, many users reported that Edge failed to start and kept shutting itself down without any prompts. It is more lightweight and has more features as compared to Internet Explorer such as integration with Cortana and reading notes etc. It was included in Windows as the default browser replacing Internet Explorer. Microsoft Edge is a web browser developed by Microsoft.